I can still recall my first visit to Orkney, although I am embarrassed to admit that if it hadn’t been for extended family members I might have chosen to head South as usual. Nonetheless, over the years, the last ferry to Stromness on a Friday has become one of my favourite escapes.


Its always a joy to visit Orkney, regardless of the weather or time of year. I have always known it to be an inspiring place. A trip to the Pier Art Centre is a rare treat, one to be savoured, always with an interesting show or new artist to wrap my head around.


An exhibition of Orkney Artists has always been an intention of mine. I’m not sure why it has taken so long to pull all the ingredients together into a show. Much is owed to Rebecca Marr and Mark Jenkins for gently introducing me to the Island and the elements that make it such a special place. 


Many of the Orkney Artists had heard tales of the exciting new gallery space being developed in Inverness. It is a pleasure to be able to welcome them into the finished space and to have them help round off our first year of exhibitions, with a very ambitious show. 


Hopefully the first of many, this show is a wonderful introduction to a group of Artists that reflect beautifully the richness and talent of one of my favourite places.  I’m very pleased to welcome visitors to gallery to see it for themselves.  

- Gordon Brown, Gallery Owner